Tuesday 5 June 2012


5th June is treated as any other day which we only remember on that very day. . Our environment, our surrounding is in extreme danger. As soon as we step of our house the first thing that we notice on roads is the huge garbage lying here and there, but we forget that those garbage’s have been thrown by one of us only. There should be correct method of disposal of garbage. Noise pollution is another serious concern in today’s modern and developed world. Effort has been made for no horn but it failed because of extreme traffic jams.  Engineers and architects are cutting down innumerous trees and making bridges, roads, houses, etc. But till when will the earth be quite? Earth is given its anger in the form of tsunamis, earthquakes and so on which is witnessed in different parts of the world. But now the time has come and we need to make sure that the environment in which we live needs to be well cleaned. We can start this by simple steps like growing small plants, throwing garbage’s in the dustbin only and most importantly making people aware by launching various campaigns. So start from today to make the environment eco-friendly.

1 comment:

  1. very nice thought..everyone should take care of the mother earth and keep the surrounding neat and clean.
